The Centre for Continuous Electoral Training (CCET) by the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) of the Republic of Moldova is a public institution subordinated to CEC, established in line with art. 27 of the Electoral Code.
The good organization and development of elections by complying with the legal provisions, depends, to a great extent, on the level of professional education of the persons engaged in the electoral process. Before CCET was created, the process of electoral officials’ training had been held fragmentarily, had had an occasional and unsystematic character. There was no certification mechanism of the electoral officials either, nor to assess their professional abilities. Through its activity, the Centre for Continuous Electoral Training (CCET) shall fill in these gaps contributing in such a way to the increase of the number of persons who have professional experience in the field of elections and to a more qualitative organization of the election process.
The CCET is located in Chisinau municipality.
The mission of the CCET is to contribute to providing a favorable environment for organizing fair and transparent elections in the Republic of Moldova.
The Centre has been established for the purpose of training and qualifying the electoral officials including the persons in the Register of electoral officials, their ongoing professional training and of the subjects involved in the election process in the Republic of Moldova, as well as other interested persons.
The main objective of the CCET is to transfer through training the best practices in the electoral field to the persons involved in the organization and development of the elections in Moldova.
CCET activities:
• Providing training/professional, qualification/ongoing training using modern interactive educational techniques for adults education.
• Establishing, maintaining and periodically updating the electronic electoral officials registration system, which shall function transparently and ethically, promoting actively the process of modernizing the electoral system.
• Cooperating in an innovative and practical way public institutions, political parties, mass-media civil society and international organizations in order to promote the successful practices and international standards in the field of elections organization.
CCET consists of 2 departments:
• Training and certification
• Logistics and administration
The Centre’s personnel includes 7 full-time employees (the director, the deputy-director, the senior specialist- methodologist, 2 coordinating specialists-methodologists, a chief-accountant and a methodologist) and experts hired based on service agreements. The Centre aims to create and maintain a network of regional trainers, that shall be involved in the training activities in-between the elections.
The CCET beneficiaries are electoral officials of all levels, involved in the electoral processes, the employees of the electoral bodies apparatuses, the NGO representatives, observers, mass-media, political parties representatives and voters.
Training programs
Trainings shall be organized for all types of beneficiaries.
At the moment, CCET trainers have trained over 40,000 individuals from all levels of the electoral process - members of electoral councils and of election bureaus of polling stations, persons delegated by candidates, representatives of local public administration responsible for checking and updating the electoral lists, judges, etc. For these trainings were trained over 100 trainers.
The Centre’s personnel includes 7 full-time employees (the director, the deputy-director, the senior specialist- methodologist, 2 coordinating specialists-methodologists, a chief-accountant and a methodologist) and experts hired based on service agreements. The Centre aims to create and maintain a network of regional trainers, that shall be involved in the training activities in-between the elections.
of the Centre for Continuous Electoral Training (CCET) under the Central Electoral Commission
approved by the decision of the Central Electoral Commission
No. 1030 of 9 December 2011
1. The Centre for Continuous Electoral Training (CCET) under the Central Electoral Commission (hereinafter referred to as Centre) is a public institution, created in line with art. 26¹ of the Electoral Code, subordinated to the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova.
2. The Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Moldova is the Founder of the Centre.
3. In its activity, the Centre shall be guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the Electoral Code and other legislative and normative acts in force, as well as by other acts issued by the Central Electoral Commission, by the provisions of this Regulation and the international treaties which the Republic of Moldova is a party to.
4. The Centre is a legal entity, which has administrative and financial, scientific and pedagogical autonomy, a special means account in banking institutions, including in foreign currency, a stamp, as well as other attributes of a legal entity.
5. The Centre has the right to its own symbols, approved by the decision of the Central Electoral Commission.
6. The structure and the personnel limit of the Centre shall be approved by the decision of the Central Electoral Commission.
7. The full name is: the Centre for Continuous Electoral Training (CCET) under the Central Electoral Commission, and the short name – CCET.
8. The Centre is located in Chisinau municipality, 119, Vasile Alecsandri str.
Chapter II
Goal and duties of the Centre
9. The Centre has been established to train and qualify electoral officials, including the individuals from the Electoral Officials Register, to provide ongoing professional training to them, to the subjects involved in the electoral process in the Republic of Moldova, as well as to other stakeholders.
10. The Centre is not a part of the national educational system, is not subject to the legal provisions in force on accreditation and licensing of educational institutions and those in the field of science and innovation.
11. The Centre exercises the following duties:
a) assures training of electoral officials and the officials from the electoral body apparatus of any level;
b) assures training of representatives of political parties, mass-media institutions, NGOs (including observers’ organizations) and voters, in a close cooperation with local and international organizations;
c) prepares and disseminates, including through trade networks, didactical and informative materials, studies, methodological and scientific researches of different forms and ways of presentation;
d) provides analysis, consultancy and expertise services within its competence;
e) drafts proposals and recommendations (within its competence) to improve the electoral system and electoral procedures;
f) tests and assesses the knowledge and training needs in the field of elections of the staff from public and private sectors, upon request.
Chapter III
Main functions of the Centre
12. In line with its duties, the Centre fulfills the following functions:
a) develops professional development programs for members, including the potential members of electoral bodies and for the officials employed in those apparatuses, including based on the information from the Electoral Officials’ Register;
b) develops training programs for representatives of political parties, mass-media institutions, NGOs (including observers’ organizations), observers and voters;
c) develops and implements testing and certification programs for trained individuals;
d) issues relevant qualification certificates;
e) develops, annually, the draft of the activity plan taking into account the plans and needs of the Central Electoral Commission and submits it for approval to the Central Electoral Commission;
f) prepares annual reports on the fulfillment of the activity plans to be approved by the CEC;
g) develops recommendations, proposals, methodological materials on the training activity in the field of elections and on enhancing the electoral culture of the actors involved in the organization and development of elections;
h) holds conferences, seminars, courses and other activities related to the statutory goals;
i) creates partnerships with the institutions within the country and abroad, to exchange experience in the field of professional training of electoral officials;
j) participates in election monitoring missions within the country and abroad. Analyses and generalizes the national and international experience in developing elections and referendums;
k) develops and disseminates didactical and informative materials, studies, methodological and scientific researches in the field of competence;
l) cooperates with educational institutions in trainings in the field of elections;
m) exercises other functions in line with the law.
Chapter IV
Organization of the Centre’s activity
13. The Centre is headed by a director, appointed in office by the decision of the Central Electoral Commission, at the proposal of the CEC chairman;
14. The director shall stop his/her activity upon request, or in other situations provided for in the labor legislation in force. The director may be dismissed from office by the decision of the CEC, if failing to exercise or fulfills inappropriately his/her duties, if insufficient qualification has been stated, or if committing systematic disciplinary offenses.
15. The director shall report to the CEC.
16. The director of the Centre has the following duties:
a) manages the overall activity of the Centre, which he/she has the right to represent relative to the institutions in the country and abroad, as well as to natural persons;
b) is responsible for communicating with third parties and bears personal liability for developing the working process. The director is responsible for complying with the provisions of point 3 of this Regulation;
c) puts forward the structure and personnel establishment of the Centre to the Central Electoral Commission for approval;
d) appoints and dismisses the Centre’s personnel by an individual order, approves job descriptions, applies incentives or penalties, in line with the labor legislation;
e) decides upon the payment of bonuses to salaries, from special or donors means;
f) issues orders on the main activity and the personnel;
g) submits income and expenditure estimates to CEC for approval;
h) organizes the financial-household activity of the Centre, as well as the provision of paid-for services;
j) has allocated budget resources and is responsible for using them rationally;
j) concludes contracts with service providers within his/her competence;
k) draws experts to carry out some specific activities, in line with the law.
17. The Centre’s personnel consist of full-time employees and experts hired on service agreements.
Chapter V
Patrimony and sources of financing
18. The Centre has patrimony transmitted by the Founder, needed to ensure the activity provided for in this Regulation. The director bears material liability for the obligations assumed as related to third parties, concerning the Centre’s patrimony. The Founder bears no patrimonial liability for the debts created by the Centre in its activity.
19. The Centre’s patrimony consists of budgetary financial means, special means, material and non-material goods. The Centre’s goods may be alienated only upon the agreement of the Founder, in line with the law.
20. The sources of the formation of the Centre’s patrimony are the following:
a) financial means provided for in the CEC budget;
b) goods transmitted to be used as established, as well as those acquired from its own means;
c) results of contract-based activity;
d) means granted as financial and technical assistance by the international bodies, external and internal donors;
e) interests from the special means kept on the institution’s account;
f) other sources which are not forbidden by the law.
21. The income obtained in line with point 20 letter c) and d) of this Regulation shall be directed to improve the technical-material basis of the Centre, to provide bonuses to the salaries of the Centre’s personnel, as well as to cover other expenses stipulated in the law in force.
22. The special means unused during the current year cannot be withdrawn; they shall be transferred for the next year to be used in line with the budget approved for that year.
Chapter VI
Reorganization and dissolution of the Centre
23. The Centre may be reorganized by the decision of the Central Electoral Commission, in line with the law in force.
24. The Central Electoral Commission shall decide upon how the patrimony remaining after the dissolution of the Centre is to be managed and upon the repayment of its debts.
Director's Message CICDE Dr. Doina BORDEIANU